What Is PRP Hair Restoration?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a potent compound naturally generated within your body. PRP is composed of a high concentration of platelets and growth factors. This substance naturally stimulates hair follicles to increase hair growth at the cellular level.

At Studio Plastic Surgery, our experienced team can help you harness the power of PRP, starting with a simple blood draw. Once the PRP has been extracted and concentrated, it is injected into your scalp to achieve significant hair restoration.

What Are the Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration?

Losing your hair can negatively impact your self-esteem or cause embarrassment, diminishing your quality of life. PRP hair restoration provides an effective solution to this concern. Benefits include the following:

  • Increased hair growth, leading to thicker, stronger hair
  • Long-lasting results
  • Customized treatment
  • Results without surgery
  • Improved self-confidence
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Your PRP Treatment Experience

You’ll begin your experience at our welcoming Toronto offices and meet with our expert patient care team, who will do everything they can to maximize your comfort throughout the procedure. The first step is drawing a small amount of blood from your arm. Once a sufficient amount of blood has been drawn, it will be run through a special centrifuge, concentrating the platelets to make a powerful compound.

Once the PRP has been extracted, it will be injected into the treatment area on your scalp according to an injection pattern that you developed alongside your practitioner. In total, the session will take about an hour to complete. Once the injections are complete, you’ll experience some mild tenderness in the treatment area, which will fade within a day.

Cost of PRP Treatment

At Studio Plastic Surgery, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are offered starting at $600 per session, with the option of purchasing a package of 5 sessions for $2,500. PRP therapy involves using the patient's own blood to extract platelets, which are then injected back into the skin to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and rejuvenate overall appearance. The total cost may vary depending on individual treatment plans, the specific areas targeted, and the number of sessions recommended by the provider.

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PRP Hair Restoration Aftercare

There is no downtime after your PRP treatment, but there is a period of time to be aware of after your treatment, during which you will need to follow certain post-treatment care instructions to ensure the best results.

  • Do not wash your hair or use hair products the first two days
  • Avoid swimming, and do not expose your scalp to direct sunlight for 2 days
  • Do not rub your scalp or scratch for the first day
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity the day of the treatment
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Results After PRP Treatments at Studio Plastic Surgery

PRP therapy creates results that set in gradually over time as the compound goes to work on your hair follicles at the cellular level. You’ll notice your results at different intervals over a period of weeks. For some, results may take months.

Before your treatment session, you’ll be given a clear idea of what you can expect, along with detailed aftercare instructions to achieve the best possible results. If you’re ready to learn more about how PRP therapy can help you restore your hair, please reach out to Studio Plastic Surgery and set up your initial consultation with a member of our team today.

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